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What is Kura Sushi’s ticker symbol?
Kura Sushi USA is traded on Nasdaq under the ticker symbol KRUS.
When did Kura Sushi become a public company?
Kura Sushi USA became a public company on August 1, 2019 at an initial public offering price of $14.00 per share.
Does the Company have a direct stock purchase plan?
We do not offer a direct stock purchase plan. To purchase shares in KRUS, please contact a registered broker.
How can I purchase stock in Kura Sushi?
To purchase shares in KRUS, please contact a registered broker.
Does Kura Sushi pay a cash dividend?
Kura Sushi does not have any plans to pay a cash dividend.
When does Kura Sushi’s fiscal year end?
Kura Sushi USA’s fiscal year ends on August 31st.
Does Kura Sushi currently offer franchise opportunities?
No, Kura is growing through a company-owned model.
Who is Kura Sushi’s independent registered public accounting firm?
Our auditors are KMPG LLP.
Where is Kura Sushi’s headquarters?
Kura Sushi USA’s home office is located at 17461 Derian Ave., Suite 200, Irvine, CA 92614.
How can I contact investor relations?
You can email us: investor@kurausa.com or call us at 657-333-4010.